Cursor Composer is an AI-powered tool integrated into the Cursor editor. It expands Cursor's capabilities beyond single-line and single-file edits, allowing you to edit multiple files simultaneously, generate entire applications based on high-level instructions, leverage contextual understanding of your project structure, and interactively refine generated code.

Cursor Composer Tutorial

Cursor Composer is a powerful feature that enhances your coding experience by enabling multi-file editing and full application generation. This tutorial will guide you through understanding and using Cursor Composer effectively.

What is Cursor Composer?

Cursor Composer is an AI-powered tool integrated into the Cursor editor. It expands Cursor's capabilities beyond single-line and single-file edits, allowing you to:

  • Edit multiple files simultaneously
  • Generate entire applications based on high-level instructions
  • Leverage contextual understanding of your project structure
  • Interactively refine generated code

Key Features

  1. Multi-file editing: Create or modify multiple files in a single operation.
  2. Full app generation: Develop complete applications from high-level descriptions.
  3. Contextual understanding: The AI considers your entire project structure and existing code.
  4. Interactive refinement: Provide additional instructions to refine the generated code.

How to Use Cursor Composer

Enabling Composer

  1. Open Cursor Settings
  2. Navigate to the "Beta" section
  3. Activate "Composer"

Opening Composer

how to open cursor composer?

For MacOS users:

  • Open Composer: ⌘ I
  • Open Full-screen Composer: ⌘ ⇧ I

For Windows users:

  • Open Composer: Ctrl+I
  • Open Full-screen Composer: Ctrl+Shift+I

Using Composer

  1. Provide Instructions:

    • Describe your desired changes or the application you want to create
    • Mention relevant files or components if necessary
  2. Review and Refine:

    • Examine the generated code across multiple files
    • Use the chat panel to provide additional instructions or ask for modifications
  3. Apply Changes:

    • Once satisfied, apply the changes to your project

Use Cases

Cursor Composer is particularly useful for:

  • Prototyping and creating MVPs quickly
  • Implementing complex features across multiple files
  • Refactoring existing code
  • Setting up project structures and boilerplate code

Best Practices

  1. Be specific: Provide clear and detailed instructions for better results
  2. Start small: Begin with simple tasks and gradually increase complexity
  3. Review carefully: Always review generated code before applying changes
  4. Iterate: Use the chat panel to refine and improve the generated code
  5. Combine with other Cursor features: Leverage other Cursor tools alongside Composer for a more powerful workflow


Cursor Composer is a game-changing feature that can significantly speed up your development process. By leveraging its AI-powered capabilities, you can focus more on high-level design and problem-solving while the AI handles implementation details. Practice using Composer regularly to unlock its full potential and enhance your coding productivity.